Monday, December 25, 2023

Smash Hits Yearbook 1984

Smash Hits Yearbook 1984

(click on the image to see the full issue)

A big THANK YOU to everybody who visited the archive and / or liked the Facebook page during 1983 / 2023. Even bigger thanks to all of you who posted comments and wrote emails: I am *very* sorry if I have not replied to your message yet; I promise I'm working on it! And thanks for the Facebook friend requests; even if we never meet in person, I am lucky to be cyber-friends with some great people - if we aren't friends yet....what are you waiting for?!!?

Happy Christmas to all of you - and have a great 2024!!


  1. Brilliant....So many memories and dreams...

  2. thank you so much. these scans are a phenomenal resource and a source of much pleasure.
