(click on the image to see the full issue)
Cover: Mari Wilson
Centrespread: UB40
Back cover: Depeche Mode
Interviews: Fame; Simple Minds; Dire Straits; Mari Wilson; Iron Maiden; Boystown Gang
Lyrics: The Bitterest Pill (I Ever Had To Swallow) - The Jam; Invitations - Shakatak; Give Me Some Kinda Magic - Dollar; In The Heat Of The Night - Imagination; Private Investigations; Why - Carly Simon; Love Come Down - Evelyn King; Just What I Always Wanted - Mari Wilson; Garageland - The Clash; And I'm Telling You I'm Not Going - Jennifer Holliday; Saddle Up - David Christie; The Boom Boom Room - Natasha; There It Is - Shalamar; Magic Touch - Odyssey; Living In The City - Gillan
The Pictures: Captain Sensible, Dolly Mixture; Tight Fit: Denise Gyngell, Julie Harris, Carol Stevens, Vicki Pemberton; Musical Youth
Bitz: Dexy's Midnight Runners tour; Dance Mode 82: Kid Creole and the Coconuts; Funkapolitan, King Trigger; Jennifer Holliday, Dreamgirls; Afrika Bambaataa And The Soulsonic Force, "Planet Rock"; Stevie Wonder, "Ribbon In The Sky"; Ultravox, "Quartet", "Reap The Wild Wind", George Martin, Geoff Emerick; Adam, Marco, "Friend Or Foe", Gary Tibbs, Chris Merrick Hughes, "Dynamite"; David Christie, Jack Robinson; Paul Weller, Apocalypse, Tony Fletcher, "Teddy"; Rush, "Signals", London Planetarium; Brimstone & Treacle soundtrack LP; Elton John, Hammersmith Odeon; Lemmy, Wendy O. Williams, "Stand By Your Man"; Kim Wilde tour; Orange Juice: "I Can't Help Myself" / "Barbecue" / "Tongues Begin To Wag"; all time top ten - David Essex; personal file - Thomas Dolby
Single reviews (Dave Rimmer): Pass The Dutchie - Musical Youth; State Of Independence - Joy; Friend Or Foe - Adam Ant; Stand By Your Man - Wendy And Lemmy; A Selection Of Songs From - The French Impressionists; Famous Faces - Light Of The World; The X-Boy - Cynthia Scott; The Bitterest Pill - The Jam; L'Amour Toujours - Telex; Be My Baby - Gary Glitter; Secret Story - Minny Pops; Jeanette - The Beat; Funky Old Rolls - Diana Ross; Dance Floor - Zapp; Partners In Fiction - The Mobiles; Big Girls Don't Cry - Cimarons; From Head To Toe - Elvis Costello; Hanging On The Telephone - Jack Lee; Hard To Get - Rick James; Zoo - Peter Straker / Do You Wanna Funk - Patrick Cowley featuring Sylvester; Whatever Is He Like - Farmers Boys
Album reviews (David Bostock / Peter Silverton / Mark Ellen / David Hepworth / Kimberley Leston / Peter Stockton / Beverley Hillier / Jim Shelley ): Forever Now - Psychedelic Furs; One More Mountain - Four Tops; The Real Deal - Isley Brothers; Women And Captain First - Captain Sensible; The Dreaming - Kate Bush; The Dukes - Bugatti & Musker; Danceclass - Danceclass; Signals - Rush; It's Hard - The Who; Madness Money And Music - Sheena Easton; Holly & The Italians - Holly Beth Vincent; Drumming The Beating Heart - Eyeless In Gaza; Palais Schaumburg - Palais Schaumburg
Nights Out: Roxy Music on the Riviera
Keep 'em coming, Brian.